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Stop Erasing My Updates!

A while back I was writing a story for a game idea. I was trying out some web-based SaaS writing tool and started writing at my desk. After a few minutes I realize this is going to be a long writing session, and switched over to my laptop to write on the couch. I was in the zone! All sorts of cool ideas just flowed onto the screen. It was awesome. After several hours, I eventually called it a night, closed my laptop, and went to bed. The next morning, I decided to continue writing, and got out my laptop again. All my work was gone. What happened?! Turns out, I had left the page open on my desktop, and it was periodically auto-saving the mostly empty text from that version, overwriting the content that was coming from my laptop’s version. All my work was lost, in part because of bad API design.

Frustrated by the experience, I decided to make my own writing tool. (Why switch to another tool when you can reinvent the wheel for fun!) From the very beginning, my plan was to design something that avoids the pitfalls I’ve seen so many APIs make, by implementing safeguards at the API level to prevent the client from hurting itself.

Let’s reinvent the wheel instead of using another tool!

What went wrong?

In the above situation, the server, API, and client all committed grievous sins that together caused a bad situation. The server certainly could have saved the document history. And the client certainly could have not kept sending save requests every five minutes even though nothing had changed. But the API could have worked around both of those problems and prevented other bad scenarios from occurring.

The Naive Solution

At first glance, the solution I’d pick seems simple. Add document versioning, have the server send the version number when it sends the document, and have the client send back the version number it believes to be the latest version as part of the update request. If the numbers match, fantastic, you’re good to go. If not, the server should reject the operation, and then the client has to figure out some way to inform the user and let them figure out a way to resolve the conflict.

      - in: path
        name: articleId
          type: integer
        required: true
      - lastVersion:
        description: The last known version of the document
        type: number
        required: true
        example: 42
      - body:
        description: The new text to replace the existing document
        type: string
        example: Hello dark and stormy world.
        description: OK
        description: lastVersion does not match latest version

But this is of course a totally custom solution, and for a problem as common as this, I bet there are some established conventions out there that can handle this problem. After all, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Let’s explore a few.

The No Versioning Solution

Let’s say adding the history of the document is too much to ask of the server or database design. Well, surely you’ve at least got a “last modified” timestamp in there somewhere, right? Turns out, there’s a solution we can used built in to the HTTP request spec: If-Unmodified-Since.

Essentially, all we have to do is send the time that that last update was created, and if there have been no changes since the specified time, the server then accepts the request to update.

      - in: path
        name: articleId
          type: integer
        required: true
      - name: If-Modified-Since
          in: header
          required: true
          description: Timestamp of the last response.
          type: string
          example: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT
      - body:
        description: The new text to replace the existing document
        type: string
        example: Hello dark and stormy world.
        description: OK
        description: If-Modified-Since lower than latest version

There are a couple problems with this approach, however.

First, the client can simply set the time to the end of the universe, and this will override the safety check or requiring a timestamp. You should always assume that at some point, someone using your API will misuse it. People don’t use APIs because they want to follow elegant design. They use APIs because they want to get something done. And if setting this property to the end of time means they don’t have to bother with managing last known times, it means they can get to their desired goal of updating the document faster and with less cognitive load. Your API should protect the client from making poor decisions whenever possible.

The second issue is how timestamps are handled in HTTP land. HTTP dates are strings whose smallest unit of time is seconds. If you have multiple updates within the same second, data loss will still happen as the second request overwrites the first. And if you’re following the standard, you MUST use standard HTTP dates:

A recipient MUST ignore the If-Unmodified-Since header field if the received field-value is not a valid HTTP-date.

No Milliseconds since Unix Epoch for you! Is it likely that two clients will try to update at exactly the same second? No, probably not. But when designing systems, why take that chance? We can do better.


There’s another HTTP standard header we can use instead: Etag (stands for ‘entity tag’). The server sends out an Etag whose value somehow represents the last version of the document. How that representation is formed is up to you. You can use a simple version number, like in my naive solution, you can use Milliseconds since Unix Epoch, or you can use something more complex if that better suits your needs.

The client doesn’t send back the Etag. Instead, they send back a different header: If-Match. Here, the intent is made clear by the name: Only accept this update if there’s a match with the specified identifier.

      - in: path
        name: articleId
          type: integer
        required: true
      - If-Match:
        in: header
        description: The last known version of the document
        type: number
        required: true
        example: 42
      - body:
        description: The new text to replace the existing document
        type: string
        example: Hello dark and stormy world.
        description: OK
        description: If-Match does not match latest version

This is essentially the same as my naive version, but using established conventions. There’s nothing really gained from my original way of doing things, so following the convention is preferable, since it’s a format people are already familiar with, and it makes the intent more clear.

Think about APIs

I’m a believer that a strong API helps foster a great user experience. Your API should be more than just a dumb communication protocol to let the client throw things into your database. It should consider both the intentions of the client and possible bad things the client might do. Don’t just accept anything because the client asks you – make sure they know what they’re asking you to do. It might be a bit more effort, but your end users will thank you for a smooth experience!


Most of the time, we consume APIs, not write them. And even when you do write an API, it’s almost always to modify or expand an existing API. That means following existing conventions that were put into place when the API was first written, no matter what, because maintaining consistency is important and breaking existing clients is absolutely unacceptable. The unforeseen problem is that you tend to treat the design patterns you’re familiar with as the correct ones. So when you eventually do get the opportunity to design a brand new API from the ground up, it’s important to take the time to relearn what you think you know.

That’s the position I find myself in now. By far, the API I’m the most familiar with is Smartsheet’s, since I consumed that as a mobile developer for a number of years, and designed many additions and improvements. The amount of stuff you can do with that API is staggering – it’s far more complex than many enterprise APIs out there, but it’s also really old, which means there’s been a lot of opportunities for less than ideal designs to work there way in. There’s a number of trappings from this design that I started off on my current project doing, simply assuming them to be correct, because that’s the way I’ve always done them™! It’s time to take a step back and get back to basics.

Put that PUT down!

Let’s say I want to update an existing document using a RESTful API. That document’s bound to have lots of different properties such as the name of the document, font information, owner of the document, and of course the actual text of the document. If I’m just modifying the text of the document, but leaving the rest of the properties alone, the clear solution is to PUT only the properties I want to modify, and omit the ones I don’t want to change. Right?

No! PUT is intended to replace an entire object, not modify elements of it. If you’re looking to just modify a section, PATCH is a better option. You’ll find a lot of APIs behave this way though. In part, because PATCH wasn’t even a thing until 2010, and wasn’t a widely adopted part of the standard until later (as all new standards take time to proliferate).

But even now, a decade later, it’s still an opinionated subject. And I agree that it’s not strictly necessary to use PATCH to apply a partial update. But then again, you could also send a large body of information along with your GET request and have updates applied that way – as long as the server and client both agree to it, you can do whatever you want!

The reason different HTTP verbs exist is to help make intent clear. To a new viewer of your API, PATCH much more clearly broadcasts the intent of the action – to modify part of the object, not replace it. Given the opportunity to make a choice between the two, following conventions is preferable.


There’s one time I’d argue against using PATCH over PUT. And that’s if your API is already using PUT as the established convention. Even if you’re writing a new endpoint, if the rest of the existing API consistently follows one established format, for the sake of your users, keep using that format. The intent of your local API will be better understood if it is internally consistent, even if that goes against the format everyone else uses. After all, only nerds read formal specification docs. Your users are cooler than that, so do them the favor of not having to stop and think about every endpoint.


In summation, if you’re designing a new API from the ground up, I implore you to use PATCH over PUT when partially modifying stuff as this makes your intent more clear. But maintaining consistency is more important, as this reduces cognitive load on your users and reduces the frustration they’ll feel as they switch between endpoints.

Learning Something New on AWS

New weekend project! I’ve been playing Phantasy Star Online 2 a lot recently. The game has events that occur periodically throughout the day, where it’s something I might want to log on to play. On the game’s official website they post the times when these events happen. But there’s a problem: I am incredibly lazy. I cannot be bothered to go to a website and look at a table of times. What I want is Alexa to tell me when the next one is.

No problem, I can just take one of my existing Alexa skills I wrote for Warframe and modify it for this game… except there’s no API for this game! Well… crap. Guess I have to design my own.

Everyone knows APIs are the lifeblood of everything on the interwebs.  I love working with them! Once I discover I can get some JSON with a simple GET request, I’m all over that. The lights in my house are running on a Python interface I made to a RESTful API. I’ve built a professional career on consuming and improving RESTful APIs.

But something I’ve never done before is make my own brand new API from the ground up. I don’t really know where to begin, to be honest. So this blog post is going to document my process, from where my Google-fu takes me, to wherever this project ends up. Here are my key goals:

  1. Failure – Wait, failure is a goal? Oh yes. This is first and foremost a learning process, and I need to expect whatever I make here to end in disaster. In all probability, I’ll have to throw it away. And that’s okay! The fear of failure is what stops people from learning new things. I know a lot of people who don’t cook because they’re afraid they’ll screw it up. Of course you will! Throw that burned mess in the trash and try again! In the end, you’ll be able to make something tasty.
  2. Try New Technologies – I’ve been a mobile developer by trade for a long time. Most recently for me, that means Swift and C++. When I was focused on Android development, Java 8 was the new hotness. And Android’s moved on to Kotlin. Wikipedia tells me the non-mobile world has moved on to Java 14?! Crazy! That’s very much not a language I opt to use in my own personal projects. Let’s try that. And let’s do it on AWS, because I don’t use that much either. (Apart from Alexa Lambda functions, in Python. But that’s very much a self-contained system these days.)
  3. Maybe make something? – I guess it’d be nice to have an API I can call to find out when the next Urgent Quest is happening. Pfft, as if anyone writes code to accomplish tasks.


Okay, let’s get started! The first place all learning begins is Google!

Let’s try “create a rest api on aws“and see where that takes us.

Wait, is this a tutorial on searching for tutorials?

Hmm… that’s a lot of stuff. Amazon has tons of tutorials about everything, but it can be pretty overwhelming.

Google’s Featured Snippet™ isn’t very useful – it’s halfway through a tutorial that extensively covers a massive number of subjects – all important, but I’m approaching this from the perspective of setting out to solve a specific problem, and solving the challenges that pop up in the order they pop up. I’m almost certainly not taking everything into account that will need to be, and this tutorial likely does. But I’m more likely to learn by solving the problems that are impacting me now, not just clicking on the box the tutorial tells me to. This tutorial is not for me.

The second link is more definition of terms than a tutorial. That’s pretty boring, let’s move on.

The third link looks much more like what we want. It’s a straightforward tutorial that covers an entire process. Let’s start this tutorial by opening up the AWS Management Console and… oh… what’s this?

Son of a…

Well, forget the hours of tutorials, let’s just do this!

We’ll Do It Live!

This approach starts you off creating a Lambda function and filling out some basic fields like names and roles. Like everyone else, I don’t want to think about security so I’ll just make this an open and publicly accessible API. What could possibly go wrong!

(Joking aside, if this project is completed, I wouldn’t be opposed to sharing this API with the world. Maybe someone will build some cool PSO2 stuff with it?)

The Lambda function creator only gives you the option to use Node.js. That’s absurd! Who would use JavaScript for something intended to output JavaScript Object Notation?! One of my goals was to try doing this in Java, but we’ll see. Maybe I can replace this function later, or have it call a different function that does heavy lifting elsewhere?

In any case, fill out the info and click create.

Uh… What Now?

Okay, we’ve got a thing created. The topmost widget is the Designer that shows a Lambda function and a gateway.

Oh no! Now you know my function name!

There’s a bunch of widgets below this, and I don’t think I need to care about those. The default code looks like it’s doing something with DynamoDB, and clearly that’ll need to get replaced. Good new: I can indeed replace this with another language, though it looks like Node is the only language with a working code sample provided?

The next thing I want to do is test this thing. If I understand things correctly, it should give us some sort of REST response if we hit the gateway. Click on the gateway in the designer, and it pops open a widget with the URL. Let’s copy and paste that into some sort of REST tool.

But what tool? I know Postman is something a lot of people I work with use, though I tend to use other integration tools like Charles for much of my work. But in the spirit of trying new things, let’s use Postman!

Oh? You have to create an account? That’s annoying but whatever.

Oh? My username is already in use? Did I create an account before? Let me try to… oh son of a

At least they let you skip it…

Well dumb, But once you get past all that mess, we can finally test the gateway. Drum roll please…

Success! That looks like something this unconfigured code would return.

That was virtually painless! Now I can actually make something!

Design Is Law!

OpenAPI is a formal way to describe the behavior of a RESTful API. I’m a big fan of the potential a properly described OAS has. So let’s throw together a quick spec and go from there.

openapi: "3.0.2"
  version: 1.0.0
  title: PSO2 API
  - url:
      description: Gets the current or next Urgent Quest
          description: The current or next Urgent Quest
                $ref: "#/components/schemas/UrgentQuest"
          description: unexpected error
                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error"
      description: Information about a specific UQ
      type: object
          type: integer
          format: int64
          type: string